About Us

Lincoln Park Main Street History

Lincoln Park Main Street (LPMS) mission is to preserve and promote Historic Lincoln Park in particular the Avenue D corridor through historic preservation, preserving the culture and buildings), arts and cultural programming (Lincoln Park Black Archives), educational enrichment and awareness (Lincoln Park Heritage Education) and economic vitality (business technical training).

LPMS was established in 2006 to advance the redevelopment efforts of Lincoln Park community through the City of Fort Pierce. LPMS has made significant impacts to the community through heritage education and cultural programming with such programs as Emancipation Proclamation Celebration Luncheon; The Guided Tours of Historic Lincoln Park; The Walk Lincoln Park App; Jazz on Moore’s Creek a free outdoor concert highlighting art, culture and heritage performances through music, poetry, spoken word; The Showcase Newsletter a monthly publication educating the public on the history and heritage of Lincoln Park to the community; The Heritage Education Program which features highlights the Points of Interest in Lincoln Park; Pioneers of Lincoln Park; The Center for African American History, Art and Culture; Oral and Digital History Presentation; a website; and the Lincoln Park Black Archives.

From its inception, the organization’s mission is to preserve the characteristics, culture, heritage and history of Lincoln Park and to enrich the African American experience.

As a Main Street program, LPMS has received eight awards: 2008, 2012 & 2021 Program of the Month; 2012 Outstanding Special Event (Jazz on Moore's Creek); 2014 Outstanding New Construction (Intermodal Transit Facility); 2014 Outstanding Fundraising Event (Stompin' at the Savoy); 2014 Outstanding Volunteer of the Year (Leon Porter); 2015 Outstanding Rehabilitation Project (Granny's Kitchen); 2015 Outstanding Public Improvement in a Main Street District (City of Fort Pierce); 2016 Outstanding Special Event (Highwaymen Heritage Trail & Festival).

Board of Directors

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The Main Street four point approach advocates improvements in four areas, organization, promotion, design and economic vitality to create a positive, distinctive image of historic Lincoln Park and the Avenue D corridor.


Works with public and private sector community leaders to develop consensus and coordinate resources to cultural and historical activity in Lincoln Park.


Creates and markets a positive image of the Avenue D corridor through special events, retail sales, effective advertising, and public relations.

Economic Vitality

Improves the economic base of the Avenue D corridor by strengthening existing businesses, recruiting new businesses, and filling vacancies.


Encouraging quality building rehabilitation, signage, public improvements, and window displays to improve the appearance of the Avenue D corridor.

